@Dark_Summer_Pack A single golden sphere, a baseball in size, rocketed down at 2400ft/s (740m/s), the very speed it was moving at causing enough friction to make it seem like it had come from the atmosphere--it was flaming. Attempting to catch this sphere would be literal suicide. The sphere would crash hard into the very heart of the pack territory, and upon impact, desecrating the ground horribly, frighteningly. The sphere did not break, nor would even be scratched from impact. It suddenly discharged its internal heat generated from its speed, sending a large surge of heat throughout the territory, making any who were present uncomfortable. Once the heat discharged, the sphere would be completely without temperature or presence, as if it didn't even exist. From there, it established a link that would grant power back to Jonas.
@The_X_Weapon Zalthys walked off, mission accomplished. He sheathed Denial, now, and returned to his home in Pandemonium Oasis.
@NeoLord {Sphere Destroyed} Yes indeed, Jonas had a very big thorn in his side now, and this did not make him happy at all. It was too soon for someone to be acting on his plans, he would have to act quickly. He had a lot of ground to cover, and he was losing what little he had with each sphere that Zalthys destroyed. How long could he continue feeding off of that first surge, Jonas wondered?
@The_X_Weapon Zalthys had found the place that the last battle had commenced. He still saw the body, and he saw the sphere. He could feel the barrier, but he was still pumped up from the energy from the first fight. That having been said, he would cut through the shield and slice the sphere in half once more. The shield would dispel upon contact with the blade, allowing for no hindrance of movement.