
I don't care what you say about me and who I really am...but I won't tolerate you stealing translation work from my friends and not giving any credit to the translator. Yes...I'm talking about chiapeto...copying word for word, AND stealing won't get you anywhere. If you want to know what the story was then you could've gone and learn Japanese for your own use and not steal others work without giving credit... You have nowhere to run...if you do EVERYONE in the fandom will hunt you down before you know...and it won't just be here... it'll be on all the social medias that you are a member of including have been warn...and I will keep my words, and in the meantime you are really a goner. I'm holding back right now...and I'll always be watching you and your movements...


I'm sorry Diana... but you have been stealing fics from Chiapeto. I know you like the stories and all, but it's too similar. In words and storyline. As both writers and fans of Voltage inc, I would like you to stop this childish acts. We already seen what you stole from all accounts, (fb, ig, tumblr and wattpad) and say you did them by yourself. I have paid a lot of attention to all of your accounts recently and you still do the same. Diana, we are here to share and not copy and paste other hard work stories... as friends, please stop that.