Hi guys!
It’s been a long time since I’ve been active here on Wattpad. I hope all of you are doing well and taking care of yourselves as the current condition of COVID-19 is getting worse day by day. I want to remind ya’ll in times like these that the only way we can keep our loved ones safe is by distancing ourselves from them. It sucks, I know. Not being able to hug your best friend or kiss your partner. It sucks to be prisoned in your own home and it sucks to not go out for weeks. But we must do this in order to safeguard world health.
Things like these can’t be helped.
But what you can do is not lose hope. Take this time to bond with your family more or talk to your friends over the phone. You can learn new things from YouTube or read that book you’ve always wanted to read but didn’t have the time to. And you can donate! I can not stress enough on how important it is right now for us to feel for others. Donate, no matter how less you can. Remember that even if you donate a dollar, it can bring about a big change and help people in unprivileged countries.
And it can get so much worse than this. Take a look back at history, The Plague of 1720, Cholera in 1820 am Spanish flu in 1920. Huge pandemics and not enough facilities. And all were asked to do is to stay at home and watch TV. Be thankful. Pray more.
And the whole world is suffering. The number of deaths are going up. And during this time, we need to be united. Not only as nations but as humanity.
Let’s us all be kinder