Thank you so much to every single person that has supported me throughout this accounts existence. I would never have made it this far without you, and I am better to have known you. Unfortunately this is the conclusion of this account, though it is unfortunate, I hope to have made your day a little better at least once. I love every single one of you! Until we meet again, Dark__Fairy

@Dark__Fairy I remember we used to talk so much about Voltage and other things! I will definitely miss you! Though I wish you would stay on this account, but of course, if that's your decision, I wish you all the best! ^_^ you're one of the few that I have first talked to ever since I made my account. You're an amazing person and are such an inspiration! Your writing is amazing and I will definitely miss it! <3 Hope everything goes well with you, perhaps we can talk again some day! :)