Hey guys, how are y'all doing? I just need you guys to help me with something. My second book Inseparable, chapters just got mixed up... Like the chapters scattered themselves, and I don't know what to do
Chapter 1 went to the middle of the book, chapter 14 went to the ending of the book, so did 21, 4 and other chapters. So please if you've been in this type of situation, I need help!... If you want you can go check it out, I don't know if it will show but please do
And I don't want to take the book down or delete it, 1.45k views is not easy, I really don't wanna loose all my efforts so please my 18 followers, help me!!!!
I just hope this won't happen for S.A.B because I will just loose it. I hope you guys will help me, cause I am LITERALLY CRYING BRICKS :-(((((