
The day has finally come when I have fully submitted TIME: TEC Volume 1 for processing at Amazon today. Once this process is completed and approved [usually within 24 hours or so], I will be removing all chapter content from chapter 5 onward and then uploading the latest chapters 1-5 as a preview for the book.
          This is your last chance to read the beta 1.0 version of the volume for free. The published and final version is the beta 2.0 version.


I've been working on my beta 2.0 revisions for TIME: TEC and I can't believe how many mistakes and errors I've missed when I wrote the beta 1.0 version. Ugh... It's like I vomited on a word processor before uploading the chapters. Some of the mistakes are minor grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, but some are scene errors and character mess-ups. I've fixed them as I've been editing, but it's really embarrassing how I even missed them in the first place.
          On top of all the error fixes, I've been upgrading character description bios and species/race description blocks; I've even introduced two more species so far into the chapters: the Greethins and the Opharians. I've even clarified the three current mentioned species: Mirinians, Riglasians, and Kokuei.
          So far, I'm really excited with how the 2.0 revisions are coming along. Unless there's any more errors, this version is the one that will be published [along with any extra lore or reference pages that I may create and add in]. On this note, please keep in mind that once I publish it, I will be removing the content for the chapters on this site. I plan on publishing it on Amazon.com. Please look forward to it. ^_^


@Darkmoon75 To be honest, I never fully realized how much work is involved in creating an original story. It's not a bad thing; it's just that when I first started writing TIME: TEC, I sort-of expected to write the whole thing once and then be done with it. I never expected that I was going to re-write chapter 1 more than 40-50 times. I didn't really expect that the ideas I had in the beginning were going to be scrapped when I moved the story from alpha [the one on StoryWrite] to beta [the one on Wattpad].
            Since I first began writing this story in mid-2012, it's gone through a lot of needed changes as my writing skills progressively improved. In the beginning, I was too full-of-myself to think that I could just produce something great overnight. I've now come to realize that when first starting out as a story-writer, it's wise to let your skills progressively improve for a time before attempting to publish something. That's not to say that posting your works online is wrong; everyone needs feedback on stuff. It's what helps us grow as writers.
            I've been impatient with my own writing and wished that I was published much earlier, but I'm really glad that I didn't yet. It's given me time to get my head out of my butt and think realistically on how I can publish this volume, especially with the limited budget I have.
            Thanks for the reply. ^_^


I've been doing some research into adding/fixing/modifying my descriptive wording in both speeches and narrations. I will be uploading a revised "Complete Beta Version" of TIME: TEC's Volume 1 at some point within the next few months as I get motivation to completely go over all the chapters to revise & add what I think is needed.


I am needing a character design artist that can draw in an anime style. If you know of anyone or if you yourself are one, please message me. Your artwork created for this story will be for commercial usage, so please keep that in mind as well. I am willing to negotiate prices if you see fit and would like to work out a deal. Please message me here on Wattpad if you are interested or know anyone who might be. Thank you. ^_^


I finally updated TIME: TEC. I've been so busy with work and other things that I haven't had a chance to finish my edits and additions on one of my chapters until tonight. On top of that, I completely forgot to upload the chapter prior to that [probably due to me wanting to make sure it was good before I got it up]. Just remember that this is the Beta version of the story and things may change if I see fit; well that and the fact that my edits aren't perfect. I've already made grammar edits to several chapters [that I probably won't repost here because I consider those edits to be a part of the final revisions that I'll make before publishing; that and I'm really lazy and forgetful when it comes to posting my chapters].
          I still have several chapters to edit, revise, and add things to before the Beta version is complete. I estimate about another 13-15 chapters or so until the end of the first volume. I hope you all will look forward to them~ ^w^


Speaking of which, I want to apologize for not having updated the Beta release of TIME: TEC in awhile. I've been very busy with work and other things and haven't had the time to do much more writing/editing. I'll upload the next chapter as soon as I can. I have about 15 chapters or so to complete [editing, rewriting, adding, and/or revising] in order to finish the Beta release of the first volume, A New Reality. Once that is all done, I can focus on doing the final revisions and additions as well as work with my illustrator to get the artwork needed to get this published. I'm so excited and stressed about this at the same time.