Post this on your own conversation board if you would stay up all night To talk someone out of suicide. Pass it along. Because I would, and I have. -DarkeCatnip
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Post this on your own conversation board if you would stay up all night To talk someone out of suicide. Pass it along. Because I would, and I have. -DarkeCatnip
Post this on your own conversation board if you would stay up all night To talk someone out of suicide. Pass it along. Because I would, and I have. -DarkeCatnip
Alright. How am I going to put this? I just saw the freaking saddest play in all of history, because IT REALLY HAPPENED. It's called "I Never Saw Another Butterfly", and it's about the Holocaust concentration camp by the name of Terezin. Basically, 15,000 Jews entered the camp, which was the least terrible of all the camps. Only 100 came out. Only 100. It stars a girl who arrived at Terezin at age twelve and lived out the war there. All of her family and the boy she loved where ripped from her and sent to another concentration camp, where they died. And the person behind all these innocent, sweet, young CHILDREN dying was none other than Adolf Hitler, the Nazis' leader. PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW THIS. And not just from history books. You need to imagine yourself there, seeing the little two year olds getting branded with their numbers and sentenced to an almost certain demise. And the same thing could happen in AMERICA if Trump gets elected. The refugees need sanctuary from their war ridden countries and Trump wants to kick them out in cold blood. It basically a DEATH SENTENCE. We must try not to reenact the horror and evil that humankind fell to in the Holocaust. Do you agree with me? If not I don't really care, as long as I still stand for what I think is right. Thank you. -DarkeCatnip
@DarkeCatnip I read ‘I never saw another butterfly’ In school and I know it is really sad. I love that poem and understand why it makes you feel so sad
@Stormgaming747 Apologies, you are right. An idiot who will ruin the peace and sanctuary of the country that accepts all.
@DarkeCatnip I thought this was already obvious. Trump is not evil, but he is an idiot who does not know how to run our country.
Hi! Are your messages working again?
Well, you should check! And if not I'll just ask you here, but get back to me!
@Dream_Challenger you're welcome. How did you know so fast? I followed you like thirty seconds ago...
Okay, my beautiful followers/readers! I have an announcement. I have just finished reading a great work of literary art. The City of Ember, anyone? This is honestly one (other than PJO, HP, DW, Sherlock, HG and my other fandoms) of the most intriguing books I've ever read. Now go read it! Then I can fangirl to no end about it. Started at chapter two, two hours ago. I finished it ten minutes ago. My mom asked me if I skimmed anything while I was reading cuz she underestimates the power of a motivated fangirl. That's all I have to say... for now. -DarkeCatnip ;)
Okay, I was on a peg list from one of my friends (AWA1982) to do this. Answer thirteen questions. All of which are pretty dam random. Here goes! 1) Favorite book? Y'all know... The Hunger Games! Totally jk actually I love Percy Jackson and Harry Potter. I do like HG, though. It's just I wish to be in the other two a lot more... 2) Are you shy or outgoing? I am socially impaired. I am only really crazy online and with my *counts fingers* six real life friends. So, shy. Completely and totally. 3) Zodiac sign? Aires. I thought it meant the war god at first, but it's actually a ram. I <3 sheep so that's a win for me! 4) What's the most embarrassing thing you've done? So. Dam. Many. I'm gonna settle with the first time I fangirled in public and didn't manage to restrain it... 5) If you could go back and correct one mistake you've made, would you? Just one? 6) Favorite subject in school? Creative writing. Yes I'm so lucky to be homeschooled! 7) If you could learn any language, which one and why? Italian. Bc of Nico. 8) Cake or cupcakes? Pie. XD I don't really like cake, so... yep. Plus I get sick when I eat too much sugar. 9) Apple or orange juice? Apple cider (non alcoholic, obviously). 10) What's your favorite fandom and why? PJO/HOO. I can just relate with so many characters and it's so good for fanfiction... I'd keep going, but... 11) Favorite color? Purple and black. Surprise surprise. 12) If you could go anywhere in the world, where and why? Italy. Venice and Rome especially. Or maybe Athens. To see the Parthenon. Italy bc I have Italian heritage and also bc of Nico. 13) Favorite band and favorite song? Imagine Dragons for the band. Demons for the song. I can relate so well! THE FEEEEEEEEEEEEELS!!!!!! 14) If you could meet anyone, who and why? I'm gonna do a loophole. I'm choosing a fictional character bc I don't want to meet anyone real (again, socially awkward). Nico di Angelo!! Again, surprise! (Note the sarcasm)
Thanatos: I think she has a right to say they're random... Me: Thanks for the backup, dad. Also, AWA1982, do I have to date thirteen people? I literally know, like, three on this site. One of which is you.
@DarkeCatnip Hi hi hi!!! hahahaha!!!LOL!!! at least you did it!! YAY!!! AND I was dared to dare you!!! So stop complaining o I'll call your dad!!! LORD THANTOS!!!!
just stopped by to say hiieee!! and that your book is awesome!!
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