Hey D_T_M~~Thanx for your votes on "Tattooed Princess: Book One". You know when I started writing this story I had no idea it would resonate so strongly with girls all over the world. Now 165,000 reads and 6,500 votes later, I'm deep into "Book Two"--keeping the adventures and erotic escapades of Zaria alive and well. I see you enjoy reading and writing erotica. As a little gift here is a short story of mine which will perk up your fantasies:
"A Walk in the Countryside:
[Warning: "Part 4" of this story was given a "R-Private" rating (woo woo!) Yeah, like we girls are not supposed to think that way or do that thing sometimes . . . well guess again guys! :)
Ask me if you can't access the last part and l send you the link.
Enjoy and let me know what you think!