
Okay so watty messages have been messing up for me. If anyone has a discord and would like to continue talking there my username is MayaB#8876 please just let me know what your watty username is!! <3


@DarkestRose- tell me about it lmao 


@DarkestRose- omg they are fricken crazy right now lmao


Okay so watty messages have been messing up for me. If anyone has a discord and would like to continue talking there my username is MayaB#8876 please just let me know what your watty username is!! <3


@DarkestRose- tell me about it lmao 


@DarkestRose- omg they are fricken crazy right now lmao


So my nieces came over and started watching this cartoon Miraculous, and i ended up getting invested and finished it and now i'm angry because i wanted the main characters to end up together and the new season doesn't come out until September! T-T Why am I so alone.


Hey guys, my grandma is in the hospital and I’m not sure if she’ll be okay. I won’t be on for a while. 


@DarkestRose- I’m so sorry to hear that. Please feel free to message me if you need anything. Praying for the best ❤️❤️


I’m currently dying from exams but I really want to start an rp where my girl is the head mafias boss daughter and your guy is her personal guard and she tries to tease him every single time because she thinks he’s hot and has actual feelings for him but he thinks she’s just messing around. I’m gonna go study now ☺️


            I would definitely be down to rp this in pms if you want sometime? I do literate roleplay if you would want to!