
i personally think that writer effort in their books shouldnt be wasted and thrown away over disapointing desicions that the people u wrote it for made. That was ur book, ur child. I say change the names because that was ur idea and ur time so dont oet some pedos waste it. <3


i personally think that writer effort in their books shouldnt be wasted and thrown away over disapointing desicions that the people u wrote it for made. That was ur book, ur child. I say change the names because that was ur idea and ur time so dont oet some pedos waste it. <3


Welcome back to me complaining about me I guess. So today I was forced to go to the dentist I hate the dentist and they had to go through all of the safety procedures. Anyways so you ever just sit there at the dentist and there are going through your mouth and your tongue just starts doing whatever it wants I'm sitting there and my tongue just starts going everywhere I can't stop it and the more I focus on stopping it the more it moves. I'm going insane help.


I had to go to the dentist on Monday ;-; the fluoride they put on your teeth tastes so disgusting and it ruins anything you try to eat after they put it on 


sooooooooooooooo i do be writing on another account... and i know what yall r thinking .. 0-o... why Val.. and thats cause in the middle of the night like a month ago I wanted to write but i realized my username was for another ship thingy or what not so i made this other account to write... but thats pretty much all I do on it. I usually use this account for like anything else.. so yea ig. Feel completely free to judge my shitty writing. I hate reading it but i like writing it so yea. @benneyjey ok bye luvs


Hey der