
Happy new year.. ummm I've have the flu? Had it since Christmas... happy New year to me I guess.


So like, for the past couple of days both of my wrists have been hurting, and it’s not the normal “growing pains” I’m 21, I’m sure I’m done growing, no. This is different. 
               Carpal tunnel apparently runs in my family, yay.., basically what that is, it’s nerves that have clogged up in a tunnel system in your hands, then again, I’m not sure what it is. 
               It could just be regular pain that comes and goes, but having to wear a brace on my right hand, and might having to start wearing one on my left. 
                It makes it 10x harder to type and write. So yay…. Fun… anyway. Hope y’all are okay, I have updates that need to be worked on and posted. 
          So, have a good day/night and stay gold. 


Now that I’m older I’ve decided to re-write my old works, yes I’m working on “Adopted by Him” but with that (on a google doc) I’m rewriting “She’s a Warfstache” with how I kinda want it to go. 
          12/13/14 year old me didn’t really under the story writing process and threw some stuff together, but now, I’m almost 21 (so weird right?) anyway. I realized that I want to write “She’s a Warfstache” the way I want to, no bad things happing to these characters and make it like up to their story line at the moment. 
          Because like Mark, my characters have grown and developed in their own ways because they grow with us! And my last year of high school there was a HUGE plot drop that was given to me. So I’m trying to make sure that it fits with that plot as well! 
          I don’t know when I’ll post these re-writes or if ever, but I hope y’all understand. I will not take down these works, but I’ll think about it. 
          Thank you for letting me your author for a long time, and I’m glad to have y’all as my readers. 
          Bye and stay gold~