Putting it to a vote, what do you want me to try and get out the soonest.
- 24/7 Acess (Horny Spirit Majin x Male Reader)
- Triple Trouble ( Fem Encore BF and Sonic.exe x Male Reader)
- A Giant's Toy (Fem BlackSun x Male Reader)
or - In the moment (Female Fleetway x Shy Male Reader)
Dear:DarkliteStories99’s are you still doing. Female Sonic.exe Character X Male Reader Lemon One-shots:Or you not.
If you are still waiting can I ask for one?
Putting it to a vote, what do you want me to try and get out the soonest.
- 24/7 Acess (Horny Spirit Majin x Male Reader)
- Triple Trouble ( Fem Encore BF and Sonic.exe x Male Reader)
- A Giant's Toy (Fem BlackSun x Male Reader)
or - In the moment (Female Fleetway x Shy Male Reader)
Okay, so I know I haven't been active a lot recently, so If anyone is interested I've decided to make a discord server for anyone who want's things like
- Lemon Sneak peaks
If this interests you guys, then I'll post the link
@DarkliteStories99 Dude, they've been waiting for you for a month. Can
you please tell me exactly when
the new part will be released? If anything, I
'm not pushing you, I'm just interested.