
Aaaaand, here I am again. 
          	I am so bad at keeping track at where I am, but I'm glad that everything is still here - where I left them.
          	So, there's this idea in my head. You guys may work on it as well.
          	"There's a new god. We know nothing about this god; no records, documents, ancient writings, none! Now, people are going crazy about who or what this god might be. Question: Is this god a threat, an ally, or the last - the one to finally end the world?"
          	A gist of what the idea is inside my head. It's been bothering me for the past month, and I've been wanting to write it down. I did. But stopped. Cuz life is busy  goodness, hahaha, not really an excuse but yes.
          	Topics about God,  belief, religion are quite sensitive BUT very interesting to touch upon. Most especially when I am such a nerd about Mythologies it's almost a sin for me. LOL.
          	Honestly, I have been putting aside my writer persona for some time now, but it never left me. And I'm really happy to see that my very first fanfic in Wattpad is still being read despite its long hiatus. I haven't abandoned my works, just having this.....long reflection about how I can go from where I am currently.
          	Man, adulting sucks. 
          	That's it for now.
          	Will come back from time to time. Writing might save me again from this ever so drowning reality.
          	Happy Reading, everyone! 


Aaaaand, here I am again. 
          I am so bad at keeping track at where I am, but I'm glad that everything is still here - where I left them.
          So, there's this idea in my head. You guys may work on it as well.
          "There's a new god. We know nothing about this god; no records, documents, ancient writings, none! Now, people are going crazy about who or what this god might be. Question: Is this god a threat, an ally, or the last - the one to finally end the world?"
          A gist of what the idea is inside my head. It's been bothering me for the past month, and I've been wanting to write it down. I did. But stopped. Cuz life is busy  goodness, hahaha, not really an excuse but yes.
          Topics about God,  belief, religion are quite sensitive BUT very interesting to touch upon. Most especially when I am such a nerd about Mythologies it's almost a sin for me. LOL.
          Honestly, I have been putting aside my writer persona for some time now, but it never left me. And I'm really happy to see that my very first fanfic in Wattpad is still being read despite its long hiatus. I haven't abandoned my works, just having this.....long reflection about how I can go from where I am currently.
          Man, adulting sucks. 
          That's it for now.
          Will come back from time to time. Writing might save me again from this ever so drowning reality.
          Happy Reading, everyone! 


Wow! I'm here again!
          To think that I would still come back here, after a year, without so much of an update with my story that has been in hiatus for so long, is a proof that I am lost.
          Lost in thought, of words, where to go, which path to take, what decision to make, and probably how to live my life......independently. 
          Lemme just share with you guys: Life is about choices. And decision-making, even a challenge to take on or a goal to achieve. 
          Life can be complicated, and simple in many ways; or the other way around. 
          But there's no specific definition for life. Nobody can give a permanent definition for it. YOU define it, and give meaning to it, according to how you live LIFE. 
          Funny thing is, the people around us are so enthusiastic to make our life better and smooth sailing. This may be through their advices, suggestions, life lessons -I mean that's not bad, but not too good when they're imposing these stuffs to you. Wherever I go, this is the common route most people go through. And this is where the journey may begin.
          There is no perfect path, or perfect plan, or a perfect person to live life to the fullest. Don't ever put PERFECT in life. Because we don't know the concept of perfection, but only a mere illusion of what it is -or what it may be. 
          In short, live your life with failures, risks, mistakes, success, achievements, sorrow, and joy. All those experience you're getting, moments you have from those people you journeyed with, all the tears, and the laughters, man, that is what makes life worthwhile. 
          I'll give this writer life of mine some vibrancy and excitement to a whole new world in my early 20s. Take a risk, carve my path, and make every second count.
          So, happy reading, everyone!


The things you do in life, affect so many things. Like branches on a tree. 
          Tell you what. No matter the miseries and sorrows, the hate and sadness, the good and memorable moments, always be yourself. Even if the people around you do not agree. But of course, make sure you are not a toxic waste (yknow what I mean).
          Be mindful. Be open to changes. Even if it is hard, be open to criticisms. Be kind. Be generous. Be selfless. Be beautiful. Be amazing. Be the better version of who you are today. Be you.
          I hope everyone is okay. I'd been well, but it looks like things are a bit woobly on my end. I just can't keep up with life. It is so hard to adjust to adult life (lmao) but still trying.
          Hope to finally catch up with my usual. For now, happy reading, y'all!


          Yeah, I've been on Hiatus for a few years now. I am in utter shock that I am still in some sort of "block" or something. But, for those reading " Sea of Miracles ", I am still going to continue it. I didn't drop it. Just that I'm caught up with the whole "graduating" shenanigans and soooo...yeah.
          Can't wait to go back to posting once I get my free time off. I didn't stop writing though, I still write bits of pieces (ideas just fly anywhere and everywhere to me) and I would like to share it to you all as well. 
          I also posted some stories in AO3. Just search for " xXkurohiloverXx ", if you bunch got tired of waiting for some updates and whatnots ;))
          (I suck at making usernames. Legit.)
          Happy reading!!!


I think having depression for a long period of time will make you realize that it's good to have at least one person by your side who will just listen to all your rants and shits. I had been unable to write not because of a block or anything, but rather the loss of myself, the motivation to do so, because of what is happening to me right now. Well, I'm not posting this for attention, but I just really want to scream at the top of my lungs. I feel so choked by everyone's expectation and orders around me that I am emotionally and mentally broken. Though my passion for writing has not yet completely vanish, I still try to keep on writing. If someone you know is going through something, I suggest you make sure they get to be heard. Because you never know if they are already about to burst or what you're seeing is just the tip of an ice berg.


Hi, everyone! 
          It's been a while since I last opened my Wattpad app. And it's been quite sometime as well since I last updated. To be honest, I'm in total slump and I'd been in a really bad situation. I know that I am still depressed and life is shitty for me, but I am trying my best to overcome it. Hopefully I could update and continue writing again.
          Sorry for complaining.
          Hope you guys will keep on smiling and enjoy your day. 
          Coz I will try my best to smile all day. ^^
          Happy Reading, everyone! 


I want to interview some fellow writer~~ 
          I just want to know:
          1. How do you feel when you write tour story?
          2. Any goals as to why you are writing?
          3. What kind of connection do you have when you write with that particular story? Is it relatable with your own life or experiences?
          Those type of question. 
          I already interviewed one, but she is not in Wattpad. The reply I got from her was almost the same with what my answer would be. I don't know, I can really relate to her way. But I'm pretty sure not every writer is like that. There's just some certain likeness, but still differ in some angle.
          Happy Wednesday, everyone! 
          Stay cool~ ✌
          (Damn, summer! Sooooooo hot )


@Darklover_1997 Hope you'll enjoy this community as well~ it really had been a year, wow! ^♡^" meeting a fellow writer and being able to talk with them is a precious moment for me. An automatic fangirl scream would be released


@Darklover_1997 Ah I just read this and felt super touched. I can remember this exact conversation. I'm honoured that you mentioned me here! Well, I'm on Wattpad now and I'm glad I made to choice to be because I found you again!


Completely bummed out.
          Hey, guys! Been a while (super while? Long while?) Hiatus overload, and I tell you, the thing right now is stressing me out. To the maximum level of stress.
          It would be nice if I just re-write everything posted here on my account. Or just delete the unnecessary ones since it would seem like I won't be finishing it. Then, again, if I re-think about it would be best to just finish everything. Like LITERALLY finished.
          Nyaaaa~ Ranting over small matters. Lol!
          Happy Wednesday, everyone!
          God bless and make your day happy and productive (in what way, tho?) 
          ^ v ^ / peace out!