I am simply the darkness in your mind. I am widely hated for leading you astray, but all I do is give you your bad ideas, you are the one who follows them through. I am impossible to kill but not immortal; I am absent in infancy but take hold of your mind when your mind starts to go. I am neither male or female but in this embodiment I have taken the form of a female born on Hollows Eve. The colors I favor are black and red, as these are the deepest depths of both the mind and soul. I am cruel and sadistic but will always work in my hosts' favor, for should their body become imprisoned I am a prisoner as well until my host is released or I can weave myself in their mind tight enough to commit suicide. 'Tis a boring existence when your host does your bidding so simply, so I have decided to spread my thoughts through this website. Do not hate me, it is wasted effort as I truly do not care.
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  • JoinedMay 5, 2014