
Eeveryone wants me to stay on Wattpad, so now I dont know what to do.


I feel this the time...
          I'm ending this journey...
          Ending my life on Wattpad...
          Be sure to check tomorrow for the big farewell...
          Thanks those few that gave me support...but sadly on here I wasnt much of anything...
          Stay tuned tomorrow...


@Darkness_is_my_Haven if youd like to keep in touch, let me know




@Marixnette-Tears had my downs a lot this month tho


It's my birthday!!!!


happy birthday!!!


@ Darkness_is_my_Haven  Happy Birthday!!!!!!  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


(Part 2)
          We're slowly dying from this disease, we're infected, and we're changing rapidly by the second. We can't always say when we'll die, as some people's bodies weren't created to age farther than others, and it's one of the most unpredictable diseases out there. Sadly to say some people grow other diseases, as this one stands ahead waiting to eat you. I don't want you to become me, I don't want you to be the kid that I was, the one that made bad decisions those few years ago. Don't be my old self, be you, and stay you. I've lived longer, and I didn't think I would, but slowly my disease will take me, it could be in 40 years, 60, who knows. Just don't make the decisions I did, I used to be the bad spawn, I've changed from then but I'm still infected, and it isn't curable.Hands can tell stories, mine can tell novels. My mind, it's not a safe place, it's never been one, and it never will be. Since the infection has gone on and on I've seen so much already. The things I've have wrecked me, changing my mind into a darker continent. You can't change was been engraved into your soul, life can't be redone, there is no checkpoint, there is no loading a second save game, you're stuck only moving forward. Shape your inner self before you let it molder from the parasitic worms that live on this imperfect world. Yes, I have become what I have become, darkness. I was consumed and changed, but that's who I am now, and I have to accept my self in that form. I can't revert myself back to what it once was, and I'm sorry for that. Life isn't for the choosing, it's to be lived and learned. Dead cells can't regenerate dead memories, but dead memories can contain dead cells.This is one story that will be reevaluated, reborn, continued once again, be sure to see more in the future and I do wonder what your thoughts contained reading through this journey of words.