Well hello there
I honestly dont know what to what to write
I guess I should start of with my likes and dislikes
I absolutely love sarcasm , but I hate it when its used as an insult against
I'll do anything that makes me happy, whether that means spending £8 on a fair
in a theme park, just to win a My little Pony stuffed toy

I GOT RAINBOW DASH (just in case anyone wanted to know which my little pony stuffed toy I got)

Im quite a shy, awkward teen sometimes , but then again I'll have these random bursts of confidence which happens in such random and weird situations.

For example, I had a full CONVERSATION with an extremely way out of my league fit guy(in th theme park where I got my little pony stuffed toy.

Oh yeah, and I'm totally inlove with Channing Tatum, if you dare, and I mean dare, remind me that hehas a wife or whatever, I will personally bring my Dodo bird to your house, and he will fart on you so much, that you will smell like mouldy cucumbers for a whole WEEK (menacing I know right!)

Dont be afraid, to have a conversation with me , I'm all up for a fun chat ;) (if you know what I mean *knudges with elbow) Im only kidding, or am I?

I find memes , totally riduculously funny, I think my favourite one has to be, *YOU DONT SAY* or *GO KILL YOURSELF* *thats what she said* jokes get a bit annoying.I can't even say the word "come" without getting lots of boys in my form saying "thats what she said"

So yeah, I am currently running out of charcters,very quickly.

I like reading , que *you dont say* meme.

I like to sing the lol song, when people get dissed.

I hate girls, who be like Im so pretty.(I'll save that rant for later)

I hate it when people chew loudly.

I hate desperate girls.

I love rainbow dash my stuffed pony, LOVE YOU FOREVA BABE.

I will one day marry channing Tatum

I have 4 dodo birds

And thats it <3
  • wherever the dodo birds are ^.^
  • JoinedMay 25, 2013