2020: - Started with "WTF" days - Both marko and me got a flue and fever - Covid happenned 2025: - Started with "WTF" daya - Currently both marko and me have a flu and fever -.... Oh no...
@Emogamer2244 1. By how I respect, but also how I joke about every religion with Dark humour? All of them 2. From dozens of lists of hardest languages to learn, Croatian is in top 11-15. But standard version of Croatian is easiest to learn. But it isnt very usefull as in Croatian we have 3 dialects that are Spoken which can be a problem when only speaking standard version. And i RECCOMEND googling a person named "PAUL BRAUDBURY". He is an english man who lived in Croatian for past 20+ years and he experienced the problem of foreigns in Croatia when taking to people who speak diffrent dialects. He's on youtube i think and has also publushed a book about his life living in Croatia. So listen to some of his vids.
@DarkotheMapper 2024: I'm sick for the early Months of the year. Started the year with a mouth sore. 2025: Get's sick as the new Year starts Mouth Sore returns this year. I'm starting to think We all have bad luck when the New year just started