Why do people read my stuff?
Like I'm not even a good writer and all my plots are half baked.
I'm a mess yet people continue to read it.
We're all mad here was published when i was in middle school. I graduated highschool and yet new people continue to read it.
I keep it up for them and I wish to write other things, I'm in different fandoms and I'm actually not even into creepypasta anymore.
But i do it for them, for you. Everytime I consider deleting the story I find out that new people found it. That they found it and enjoyed it. Enough to vote or comment. Enough to even follow me. I haven't done much, and I don't think I deserve it. Yet here they are.
It's so inspiring yet so daunting.
I want to make more for them to enjoy but then I remember how little I've done and I feel like a failure. It's a viscous cycle
I know people will say that it doesn't matter, to do it for me. But I can't. It's always for them because that is what brings me fulfillment.
I write because I want to build a community, I want to make someone's day.
Because even with my viscous cycle, everytime I get a comment, or vote, or follow. I tear up and feel so light. Mostly because someone is enjoyed something I made, even though it's probably my worst work. But also because they cared. And that means so much to me.