
I apologize a lot for my absence but I truly mean every word. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being a poor writer and leaving for years at a time.
          	I'm trying, I really am.
          	But it's so hard.
          	I love Safety Web, and I enjoy the overall theme of We're all mad here, but how can I gain motivation if I no longer care for creepypasta?
          	But that doesn't matter
          	I'm going to try, for those that read my work, I'm going to try to show my growth. I'm going to try and put my soul into my writing so my readers can enjoy.
          	Sorry this was long and most people will choose to ignore this. But if you read all of my word vomit, thank you. I greatly appreciate you and just needed this off my chest so I can move forward as an author.
          	I hope life is treating you well
          	See you in the next update,


@Darkswooce I'm a bit late but I agree I loved safety web but I much rather enjoy the work of an author who is enjoying what they are writing. I completely understand falling out of a Fandom and I will wait in anticipation to see what your wonderful brain will think up for your next story. Please remember to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally and that this exciting change is supported!


@SoullessArtist thank you for your words, they  truly mean a lot to me


Honey you need to stop okay? I understand a writer’s drive to give something that they’re proud of to their readers, but it seems to me that you’re not very proud of writing about Creepypasta anymore. As one of your readers, and someone who finds the idea of this story fascinating and truly creative, I emplore you to find new passions and write about those. You have at least one reader supporting you in this.


Hi I really liked the creepypasta x male reader 
          Books you made and I hope you update or make more of them <3
          I hope you're okay and doing well
          Growing up is pretty hard sometimes but it's normal , I am also in a pretty hard situation rn.
          Were pretty poor and have a lot of school things to do , I was once a kid who would do they're school sh*t stuff and help do things in the house
          But I change pretty bad. I can't finish my school work on time sometimes and became a very lazy person .
          For all the people who is reading this 
          Stay safe and healthy. ☺️
          Love you all 


I apologize a lot for my absence but I truly mean every word. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being a poor writer and leaving for years at a time.
          I'm trying, I really am.
          But it's so hard.
          I love Safety Web, and I enjoy the overall theme of We're all mad here, but how can I gain motivation if I no longer care for creepypasta?
          But that doesn't matter
          I'm going to try, for those that read my work, I'm going to try to show my growth. I'm going to try and put my soul into my writing so my readers can enjoy.
          Sorry this was long and most people will choose to ignore this. But if you read all of my word vomit, thank you. I greatly appreciate you and just needed this off my chest so I can move forward as an author.
          I hope life is treating you well
          See you in the next update,


@Darkswooce I'm a bit late but I agree I loved safety web but I much rather enjoy the work of an author who is enjoying what they are writing. I completely understand falling out of a Fandom and I will wait in anticipation to see what your wonderful brain will think up for your next story. Please remember to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally and that this exciting change is supported!


@SoullessArtist thank you for your words, they  truly mean a lot to me


Honey you need to stop okay? I understand a writer’s drive to give something that they’re proud of to their readers, but it seems to me that you’re not very proud of writing about Creepypasta anymore. As one of your readers, and someone who finds the idea of this story fascinating and truly creative, I emplore you to find new passions and write about those. You have at least one reader supporting you in this.


Why do people read my stuff?
          Like I'm not even a good writer and all my plots are half baked. 
          I'm a mess yet people continue to read it.
          We're all mad here was published when i was in middle school. I graduated highschool and yet new people continue to read it.
          I keep it up for them and I wish to write other things, I'm in different fandoms and I'm actually not even into creepypasta anymore.
          But i do it for them, for you. Everytime I consider deleting the story I find out that new people found it. That they found it and enjoyed it. Enough to vote or comment.  Enough to even follow me. I haven't done much, and I don't think I deserve it. Yet here they are.
          It's so inspiring yet so daunting. 
          I want to make more for them to enjoy but then I remember how little I've done and I feel like a failure. It's a viscous cycle 
          I know people will say that it doesn't matter, to do it for me. But I can't.  It's always for them because that is what brings me fulfillment. 
          I write because I want to build a community, I want to make someone's day.
          Because even with my viscous cycle, everytime I get a comment, or vote, or follow. I tear up and feel so light. Mostly because someone is enjoyed something I made, even though it's probably my worst work. But also because they cared. And that means so much to me.


@Darkswooce How's life, you doing ok?


@BirdBrain122  i get that but it seems like your  handling well. I believe in you! 


@Darkswooce just graduated and I'm overwhelmed by my new freedoms and changes in life. It's difficult but I'm trying to just go with the flow. Bumpy road but good suspension basically.