
this message may be offensive
You know when you fall in love with someone you told them and they say I like you, but I have a boyfriend and the day she breaks up with someone and you cheer up few months later when you were going to ask her out but she just Got in another relationship even though you TOLD HER YOU LOVED HER. It FUCKEN HURTS. I'm dead see ya I don't think I won't come back on seeing everyone happy hurts seeing the girl I love fall for someone eles hurts even more well seeya like anyone cares 


this message may be offensive
You know when you fall in love with someone you told them and they say I like you, but I have a boyfriend and the day she breaks up with someone and you cheer up few months later when you were going to ask her out but she just Got in another relationship even though you TOLD HER YOU LOVED HER. It FUCKEN HURTS. I'm dead see ya I don't think I won't come back on seeing everyone happy hurts seeing the girl I love fall for someone eles hurts even more well seeya like anyone cares 


Heh I just lost all hope everyday I put on a smile act crazy but it all's come crash down one at a time my life is hell everyday I think it going to get better but no man I just wish my life was like hell anyway I will release a new chapter of school days soon so please wait patiently for it


@Darkwill8541 oh life and depression