Okay, so, before I start posting chapters of my story "Sacred Warriors" I just want to clear something up regarding the organization of the chapters.
First off, when I originally started writing it, It was done in script format. So, it was divided in seasons, episodes, and scenes. Of course, I stopped writing it this way because I realized I could get so much more detail in if I did it in book format. However... it only works if it's organized a certain way. Here's how I'm going to do it.
The series as a whole is going to consist of four books. Each book will have 13 individual parts to it, and each part will have 3-5 chapters in it. A little bit hectic I know, but in the long run, I think It'll help me be more organized with it.
That... and uh ^^; It will give me an excuse to post individual parts to it at a time rather than the entire book at once, Making life easier on me XD.
That's all for now guys. AWUUUUUU!!! and I will see you all later.