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Hello I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve done anything with this account and i’m sorry that it’s been semi dead for a bit being an adult fanfiction writer is kind of interesting because I know I have stories to update. I just don’t have the time too but yeah, I’m going to attempt to update shit now. that I finally remember, I have this account, but most of my time is spent on. AO3 because they have better regulations than on here. and if you are interested, let me know and I will post the link to my.AO3 in the comments and BTW, I didn’t expect people to be still reading my shit so that’s kind of a surprise lol.


Hey guys, just wanted to let y’all know that I’m not updating any stories today or the next couple of days because hurricane beryl knocked out the power too pretty much everyone in my neighborhood and the surrounding area so I will see you when I see you I guess thanks for your patience guys


I’m glad you guys are doing well!  Ty for letting me and everyone know!  


@honeysucklerose78 thanks we’re fine I am currently driving around with my mom looking at all the storm damage and also sending messages and updating everyone while I’m out of the house since there is no Wi-Fi or Internet connection at my house


Hey guys for those who actually still read my work I have a question for y’all. Would you want some spark note versions of my longer stories crazy little thing called love and kill em all? of course I will put them in a AI generated video app to make things more simple with that being said things might be a little inaccurate.


To the person that reached out Three hours ago. Thank you for reaching out to me. I completely forgot to update the story (because I forgot to change the scheduling date)  and I thought you were commenting on a different story (the one that I thought you commented on, has been having glitch issues ) but, because I I opened my email and saw your message so with that saying, I will be updating this story


@0809AriAri Hey there I Just saw your notification just now and I did not delete my account AO3 so you might be seeing an error code from when the website went down for maintenance a couple weeks ago and you may want to get rid of all of the cookies and a few other things  that you might have on your device


Hey guys, I just thought of something tell me if you actually want this, so you know my queen romance series that I am been working on for the past I don’t know six years? Well I just thought I could do the same thing but with Metallica since they are my current hyperfixation at the moment, would you guys want that obviously I would have to start it in the new year but it was one of those random thoughts I had earlier today


@DarlingDelilah1978 I’d read it! Your stories always inspire me


Typo, correction “ I’ve “


Well, never mind, I know what I did. Honestly I don’t come on here that often anymore so I don’t pay attention to my profile, tab or anything. I’m just come in here and just write my content. that’s it long story short, I un published one of my books and completely forgot that I did that


@DarlingDelilah1978 Oh, yes, please! I’d have liked to read it, sooner or later! 


@0809AriAri  ogre Battle, I’m going to rewrite it in the new year with some other stories, I might post on here who knows


Which book did you unpublish?