Anyone down for a Yaoi rp?
Just don't make being a bottom the entire personality or make them narcissistic
I roleplay on discord, @ here first though
(We can talk about ideas)
Anyone down for a Yaoi rp?
Just don't make being a bottom the entire personality or make them narcissistic
I roleplay on discord, @ here first though
(We can talk about ideas)
Did wattpad get rid of private dm's?.....Wow
So much has changed but this is insane
Sorry to all the people I role-played with. I appreciate you all very much TwT
Trying to get back into roleplay but got more tired- again. Hopefully my motivation comes back soon or at all (Trying to get back into it. Slowly though)
Once again sorry to everyone for not responding. Been so busy. And now lately work is depressing and I'm so tired. Maybe some time around I'll rp again or do selective ones.
Not gonna respond to any rp’s for a while! Sorry to those I’m roleplaying with<3 I’m still here just not responding or anything
(I don’t talk to anyone on here but I just have the app installed basically)
Srry I was suppose to respond to roleplays sooner
I started working and just got alot more depressed cuz (some) people are mean and I’m somehow always wrong for being right or for anything so…
Anywho, sorry I’m taking forever. I dunno how long ima have episodes (replies gonna be very delayed)
@DarlingSasaki ohhh myyy sorry to hear that, but don't be sorry, it is not your fault okay? You didn't caused your depressions, so dont be so sorry uwu