-Previously was TwistedFrosch17-
•~ 🚫Warning🚫:I am an anti- sasusaku shipper, I cannot for the life of me support such a toxic relationship, that is my opinion and if you can't respect that then take your happy ass some place else please and thank you! I will not hate on your opinion if you do ship sasusaku, but know this Sakura Haruno is a powerful queen!😤👊🏻🌸

•~Understand that this is a Sakura Haruno Fans Safe Profile/Page, I myself love Sakura and I cannot for the life of me really stand Sasuke and therefore I don't acknowledge their marriage 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sakura deserved so much better! That doesn't mean I'll hate on you if Sasuke happens to be one of your favorites either, that is your own choice, plus it doesn't mean that I have to like him myself and besides, who am I to judge other peoples likes and dislikes? 👊🏻🌸

~•I The Names Emerald but please call me Emery or Emii- Horror and anime are my will, saving grace and therefore always will be! 👀🌸👊🏻
-♎️ Libra 10/13/1999/- 24 She/Her/Herself
•~ I'm always looking for horror and anime suggestions, just lemme know if you've got some! I'd be happy to check 'em out!👊🏻🌸
  • Aboard The Polar Tang
  • JoinedApril 25, 2015

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