People, Hi! Hello! It is me, Hanji100! I would like to give an explanation on why i am not writing anymore. Okay,'s because I have fallen out of love with writing, and I honestly haven't got the time to write anymore. So, i will not be contiuing any of my stories from now on.
I am so deadly sorry, and I understand if any of you are dissaponted in me, as I am myself. It's been fun some days writing, while the other days aren't so good. So, If any of you would like to take on my writing, and for you to continue with my books, then just DM me and we can discuss it further more there. Anyway, I love you all, and thank you all so much for the kind and loving comments you all left on my stories over the past couple of months.
So, i shall say my goodbye now, so..Adios my friends xx