Happy Pride.
Yesterday, I went to a pride parade and saw some haters. They were rather pitiful overall.
One said God was patient, and that he would forgive us when the time comes. The first part is true. The second part is where I'm wondering "Why would I want to go to heaven if that's where you want to go?"
Later, they moved and another guy had the mic and kept saying how he was brought out of his depression and how we were depressed and wanted to kill ourselves. To that guy, I have 2 things to say.
1. Don't put words into our mouths. We know what we are, and we're in a better mood than you are.
2. If you aren't depressed, why come out here to hate speech us when you could be doing literally anything productive?
Word from me, either keep your opinions to yourselves, or be prepared to lose your life. Eventually, someone's gonna get tired enough to pull out something sharp.