
this message may be offensive
Apologies... been going through way too many problems.. a.k.a overworking,  college, depression, burning out, having no time to do what I want and so... Turns out alcohol is not a good solution for such, more so when your body has a high tolerance for it (which is hilarious and fucking sad at the same time).
          	Anyway, next chapter is around 75% done, it is still very rough around the edges for my liking and I don't want to disappoint ya all so I am still polishing it. By the end of June I should finish these semester exams, so by mid July it should be ready, with hope, earlier.
          	See ya all in the next chapters and many thanks for the people who posted on this feed asking if I am still alive.


@Darth_Revan_51 is this the John Wick Midoriya story? Is the Ship Mina X Izuku?


@Darth_Revan_51 Take your time, it's nice to have you back


Dear @Darth_Revan_51, I'm a Youtuber, I do audio adaptation of MHA fanfiction stories. I loved the story written by you, So I have a humble request can I use your story for adaptation? I will definitely provide the original story link in the description.


@mediaswhatif07 go ahead, send me link later!


Hello darthrevan,
          I am requesting permission to create podfics of your fanfics and stories to make them accessible to a wider audience through my YouTube channels:
          https://www.youtube.com/@momofanfics https://www.youtube.com/@dekupodfics
          I assure you that proper credit will be given to you as the original author, and the content will be monetized. If granted permission, I will provide clear attribution in both the video description and the video itself. I'm also open to discussing any specific preferences or conditions you may have regarding the use of your content.
          Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your response and the possibility of collaborating to bring your stories to a new audience.
          Best regards,


@hornet98 Regardless, I give you my consent for you to use my work. As for the matter of monetization, it can be talked about through more private channels.
            Here is my mail


@hornet98 ah shucks, got mail?


@Darth_Revan_51 sorry for late reply but I don't use discord 


this message may be offensive
Apologies... been going through way too many problems.. a.k.a overworking,  college, depression, burning out, having no time to do what I want and so... Turns out alcohol is not a good solution for such, more so when your body has a high tolerance for it (which is hilarious and fucking sad at the same time).
          Anyway, next chapter is around 75% done, it is still very rough around the edges for my liking and I don't want to disappoint ya all so I am still polishing it. By the end of June I should finish these semester exams, so by mid July it should be ready, with hope, earlier.
          See ya all in the next chapters and many thanks for the people who posted on this feed asking if I am still alive.


@Darth_Revan_51 is this the John Wick Midoriya story? Is the Ship Mina X Izuku?


@Darth_Revan_51 Take your time, it's nice to have you back


You are finally back, Yay?


@poti023 lol I hope that doesn't happen but between work and college is getting hard to write, not to mention the new arc is getting more complex as an entire set of new characters is being introduced and international relations too.


@calerexshadowrider Should we wait 6/7 months for the next chapter?