
Yo, everyone, subscribe to Pewdiepie if you haven’t already. The sub gap is pretty stable because of the big warning that T series passing him for a few minutes, but do your part gamers, if not for pewdiepie, then for individual YouTube creators. We can’t have some corporation become the most subscribed channel on YouTube. It will be the end of us all. Thank you, and do your part.


Yo, everyone, subscribe to Pewdiepie if you haven’t already. The sub gap is pretty stable because of the big warning that T series passing him for a few minutes, but do your part gamers, if not for pewdiepie, then for individual YouTube creators. We can’t have some corporation become the most subscribed channel on YouTube. It will be the end of us all. Thank you, and do your part.


Hello! I, Susan Chan, Want to welcome you to the great Trump x Putin x Kim Jong Un one shot I finished! If you want to check it out, Then go ahead!it's in my one shot book, the second chapter, (YOU'LL SEE IT!)
          Should I annoy the few people that follow me and basically force them to read it? Hmmm... Yeah.


@Darthtacocat you're definitely very good at that 


I won't. I just wanted to annoy everyone