
          	It's been a hot minute.
          	I completely forgot I had this account until today and glancing at it, it is making me cringe. Is anyone even active anymore???
          	No. I am not back. I don't even know how to navigate this platform anymore.
          	I'm just letting y'all know that I'm pretty much done here and will soon be ready to move on from this platform. I'll be sorting out what I want to keep on here in the next few days and take a gander at what lil' ol' me used to read/make on here, and then I'll be off.
          	- Proxy (07/01/2025)


          It's been a hot minute.
          I completely forgot I had this account until today and glancing at it, it is making me cringe. Is anyone even active anymore???
          No. I am not back. I don't even know how to navigate this platform anymore.
          I'm just letting y'all know that I'm pretty much done here and will soon be ready to move on from this platform. I'll be sorting out what I want to keep on here in the next few days and take a gander at what lil' ol' me used to read/make on here, and then I'll be off.
          - Proxy (07/01/2025)


Hoiiii twitchy little ferrets (Is that what I call you now? I guess so)!
          I don’t know if anyone of you has Slowly but I installed it and would love if someone would be my Pen pal! uwu
          Slowly ID: PEPZZR
          P.S.: Das geht auch an euch meine Deutschen Frettchen <3


Hey y'all twitchy little ferrets!
          I'm just checking Wattpad again and opened up another account, on which i've got two books up. It's @Holographiq_Serpents , so yeah maybe check it out, but I gotta note that one of them is a ranting journal-
          Anyways, it's not the actual reason I'm sending a sign that I'm alive. My week has gotten worse than before and it's eating me up- I just wanna know if someone has some time rn so I can let a rant out, preferably someone of my english followers. Thank you all, for staying with me through this hard situation. I love you all <3


Hey there, friends...
          I didn’t really tell y’all that I was back but things have gotten worse for me, so I realised I need to stay away a little longer than expected. It’s funny how much worse the cruel world can become, even if you’re avoiding it like the black plaque, thinking you’re doing the right thing. Yet it all goes worse...
          The first book of the „League of Echoes“ series (some of you may know it under its draft name „Memories“) is not going to be published this June anymore and is most likely published in around August. 
          I went a little bit more into detail regarding this situation on my tumblr Blog which you can read here:
          Feel free to DM me one if you’ve got any questions...
          ~Love you all, Proxy ☹︎♥︎


Nimm so viel Zeit wie du brauchst, niemand wird gezwungen ^^ Hoffentlich bessert sich dein Alltag schnell und falls etwas ist, kannst du es immer sagen <3❤️


So I just wanted to say that I’ll be leaving social media completely for a while, because lately it just affected my mental health really bad.
          I just barely find any sleep and affects my grades and assignments. It’s not like I have Nightmares or something, it’s just that I lack the ability to sleep and I’m stressed.
          I think I’ll need two weeks or more to sort everything out that’s going on with me and in my field. I just can’t really tell, how long I’ll be gone. Sorry. I’ll be logging off later tonight, so I’ll be here until midnight.
          Hey Leute! Ich wollte nur sagen, dass ich Social Media für eine Weile komplett verlassen werde, weil es in letzter Zeit nur meine geistige Gesundheit sehr beeinträchtigt hat.
          Ich finde kaum Schlaf und beeinflusst meine Noten und Arbeiten. Es ist nicht so, dass ich Albträume habe oder so, es ist einfach dass ich gestresst bin.
          Ich glaube, ich brauche zwei Wochen oder länger, um alles zu klären, was mit mir und in meinem Umfeld los ist. Ich kann nicht wirklich sagen, wie lange ich weg sein werde. Ich werde mich heute Abend später abmelden, also bin ich bis Mitternacht hier.


@OfficalGCS Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
            @einsamegedanken Danke! ❤️❤️


I’m sorry to hear about this , I hope you feel better soon ❤️


@DasNudelholz  nimm dir so viel zeit wie du brauchst :)
            und ich hoffe, dass es dir nach deiner auszeit besser geht <3