Hey guys, I know I never update here, but I just want to let out some steam.
Ok, so for some context, I basically wasn't able to be in my own room because my grandma decided to sell (basically) everything in my room, and I would get passed down my older causin's furniture because my aunt is moving in with us. So, I ended up not having a room for almost a year, forcing me to sleep in the same bed as my mom and little brother.
So, I've finally gotten my about 3 to 4 weeks now, but I haven't been able to sleep well in it because of school.
So, you would think that I'd be able to enjoy my own room after basically a year without a room, think again.
My other cousin, who's the sibling of the cousin I've gotten my room's furniture, has been sleeping over EVERY. GODDAMN. WEEKEND. The only two days I'm able to actually relax and undwine, I'm not able to because my causin is always sleeping over.
And my grandma isn't saying anything even though I cried last weekend because of stress and anger, my mom, (other) aunt, and uncle even talked with her, but can't get it through her thick head of hers.
Is it bitchy for me to have my room back? 'Cause that room is mine, not his.
Anyways, sorry if I bothered any of you, i just wanted to let out some steam and write it out.