
          	I'm probably not gonna post a chapter today, I have a really bad writers block and I don’t want to rush it because it’s really important in the overall story.
          	So sorry if anyone was looking forward to next chapter, you might have to wait until tomorrow :(


Read it all: 
          I mean it 
          Read this whole thing. 
          If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral. 
          l'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you. 
          We are true friends. 
          We ride together, we die together. 
          Send this to everybody you care about including me. 
          See how many times you get this back. 
          If you send this back, I understand. 
          But this is a game for you. 
          Once you read this letter, you must send this this to 15 people you love. 
          If you get at least 3 back, you are loved. 
          Nobody knows how important something/someone is until you lose them/it. 
          Midnight (right at 12:00am) the person you love will realize they love you. 
          Then at 1:00 to 2:00am be ready for the shock of your life. 
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck. 
          An awesome friend told me to do this so I pasted this on. 
          Who knows? 
          Maybe tomorrow two boys/girls/persons will ask, 'Can I have your number?' 
          Send this to 15 beautiful souls or bad luck will strike for a whole year. This is not fake.


<3 This is an Amazing Author Award! <3
          Your writings are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on!
          Thank you so much for sharing your works! Know that there is someone who adores you and your writing from shadow!
          Send this to 10 other amazing author friends <3


Thank you so much for the support, it really means a lot!


Ooh, a fellow Equestrian KotLC person! Ayyyy, I also do show jumping and hunters. 


No, there aren't ;-; Between us two only, I get slightly pissed when someone draws Sophie riding Silveny without her heels down  


There aren’t enough Equestrian KOTLC people around XD


This is for all of the KOTLC lovers!!!
          If Silveny is your fav character post this on one other feed.
          If Sophie is your fav character,then post this two other people’s feeds.
          If Keefe is your fav character,then post this three other people’s feeds.
          If Fitz is your fav character,then post this four other people’s feeds.
          If Linh is your fav character,then post this five other people’s feeds.
          If Tam is your fav character,then post this six other people’s feeds.
          If Biana is your fav character,then post this seven other people’s feeds.
          If Dex is your fav character,then post this eight other people’s feeds.
          If Marella is your fav character,then post this nine other people’s feeds.
          If your fav character isn’t listed here,then post this on ten other people’s feeds.


Thanks so much for all of the support! If you haven't already, I'd love it if you could check out my account where I keep all of my originals! It's @_surreality :) ❤️


I'll check it out :p