
this message may be offensive
Yall I moved and became friends with this one girl she is the grade below me and we had a sleep over this weekend and I accidentally found something I probably shouldn’t have. We were cleaning her room and I found a paper of her basically saying she wanted to die and take her own life but she grabbed it before I could read the rest of it and told me not to worry abt it bc it was old. But I’m starting to think it’s not bc I was looking through her tt repost and there’s some depressing shit in their and some suicidal stuff. So I screenshotted. But I don’t know if I should bring it up to her bc I don’t want to push it bc we aren’t close as we’ve only known each other for a few weeks but I want to be there for her and help her bc I get it. And I don’t want her to actually commit and I have known about and not said anything. But I’m worried if I do she will get mad and just quit talking to me. But I’m worried. I also can’t rlly text her abt it bc her snap and iPad is connected to her moms phone which she can see and she also doesn’t have her iPad rn bc she got it taken. And I know if her mom found out that would be a shit show. Plus like if she isn’t actually a harm to herself and was just feeling down that day I don’t want to get her in trouble with her mom. Do what do I do??


@DatOneGurl3 I'm really sorry. Also I miss youuuuu


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Yall I moved and became friends with this one girl she is the grade below me and we had a sleep over this weekend and I accidentally found something I probably shouldn’t have. We were cleaning her room and I found a paper of her basically saying she wanted to die and take her own life but she grabbed it before I could read the rest of it and told me not to worry abt it bc it was old. But I’m starting to think it’s not bc I was looking through her tt repost and there’s some depressing shit in their and some suicidal stuff. So I screenshotted. But I don’t know if I should bring it up to her bc I don’t want to push it bc we aren’t close as we’ve only known each other for a few weeks but I want to be there for her and help her bc I get it. And I don’t want her to actually commit and I have known about and not said anything. But I’m worried if I do she will get mad and just quit talking to me. But I’m worried. I also can’t rlly text her abt it bc her snap and iPad is connected to her moms phone which she can see and she also doesn’t have her iPad rn bc she got it taken. And I know if her mom found out that would be a shit show. Plus like if she isn’t actually a harm to herself and was just feeling down that day I don’t want to get her in trouble with her mom. Do what do I do??


@DatOneGurl3 I'm really sorry. Also I miss youuuuu


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Hi so I lowkey boy advice so there’s a guy I’m talking to but he literally won’t talk to me in school except for in one class. He won’t even look at me. Plus I keep getting left on read or delivered even tho I know damn well he is at his house playing Fortnite. Like just a few days ago he was calling me pretty and beautiful and telling me he liked me. But today he hardly texted or talked to me. And he didn’t call me. Which is odd bc we were in ft everyday after school. And one of our mutual friends was asking him when he was going to ask me out or smth and he told her no or smth. Plus she called him my bf and he did not seem to like that. Like if you never intended to actually date me why lead me on????? But then again I might just be overthinking everything. But he also got asked if he liked me and he said kind of on Thursday. Like am I being led on or should I just continue talking to him? I asked my mom about it and she doesn’t care either way but it’s going to be so awkward if I quit talking to him bc we sit next to each other in class but it’s only for another like week. Soooo idk what to do. Bc I actually like him but idk if he likes me back. And I might just be overthinking all of this. Should I just like give him next week too and see how he acts???? Bc I don’t wanna waste time chasing after a boy who doesn’t actually rlly like me. Plus he’s shorter than me. Omg when he first gave me his number he did so in a note and he said to not show anyone. Also seems to be rlly close to the one girl and that’s in the same class that he won’t talk to me in. Am I like some side chick rn????? Like does he intended to keep me a secret like am I that embarrassing that you can’t even say hi to me in the morning bc we have 1st and 2nd hour together. And its not like I’m asking him to declare his love for me or some shit. Like just utter two words to me.


@DatOneGurl3 literally just ask him why. That’s the only way you’ll get answers. 
            You know how it hurts more hearing news from someone else than if you had heard it from the original source?
            If he really did have an ulterior motive it’ll be worse if you hear about it months later from one of his friends or smth. 
            I’m not saying it’s best to rekindle what u guys had. But just ask him why he did it. And depending on where the conversation goes, tell him that u really liked him. And let that be that. Closure


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@MyNameIsNowDiosa So I think we are done bc he ft me this morning and we were talking and he mentioned not wanting to go back to school on Monday bc he doesn’t want our shared friend to keep bothering him abt when he is going to ask me out and he told me that he wasn’t going to ask me to be his girlfriend at all. And then later he ft me again and I’m alr annoyed with him and he asked me if I had just woken up bc apparently me voice was deep and I sounded like a guy. Which pissed me off so I just hung up. And he texted me rude which I replied ik to. And he sent some bullshit abt leaving me alone. Which I left him in read. I don’t understand why he would lead me on tho if he never wanted to date me. Like why go through the effort of giving me your number and texting me if you don’t actually want to be with me. I told my mom abt it and she just told me to not reply or answer any of his calls bc she said it’s not worth my time to play his games. And I just don’t know bc I like him but I have the feeling he doesn’t like me back. But honestly I only have 3 classes with him and I only talk to him in one which I do sit by him in which will be hella awkward but I have like a week left sooooooo.


@DatOneGurl3 I’m not sure.. I don’t think so, though. His friends seemed supportive enough about you two actually getting together, which might be them encouraging and coercing him but judging my his reaction, I don’t think so. He wouldn’t have gotten so angry and defensive when someone commented on you being his gf if it was all a game- especially if it was his friend and they were in on it. Once again, I don’t know the full situation but based on what I’ve been able to deduce, that’s what I think. 
            Just remember, don’t try and give more than he gives you. That stage has passed. You tried to reach out and he ignored u. Allow him his space and if he seeks you out again, ask for answers before considering making space for him in ur life again. I hope everything goes well


hey twin, ilysm <33 i hope you're doing well


@DatOneGurl3 thanks bro, good luck with life


@jvpitxxr- I hope you win your fight <33 and I hope I make friends to or I’m crashing out :(


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Hi love, its Moonanime6,you might not remebr me but  I love stalking my old friends to make sure there doin fine lmao, anyways felt like saying hi, so hi my stabby twin, I hope your okay, pls do commit arson on all the stupid peeps. Even if you don't remember me, I still do, love you a lot, don't let this stupid world get to you kay, your are still one of thekindest, sweetest, funniest caring people I ever met, and if anyone says otherwise fuck them, and don't end it love, this world isn't worthy of that much,  isnt worthy of you shedding tears for it, hurting yourself for it, why end it all for this stupid world, its the one that made u cry, it should be the one going up in flames, not u, anyways love you all, byee.


@ItMightBeMe10 omg your back!!!!!!!!! I love you soooo muchhhhhh! Bro I have tea  and ofc I remember you. You were like my best friend along with a few others like last year and this past summer. I could never forget you. How’s life beennnnnnn???


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This is a vent ig?
          First off I want to say I’m so sorry for never being on life happened and well it got to much for me. But I probably won’t regularly be on. I also want to say thank you to everyone who has been there for me.
          Anyways onto the vent tw
          So yk what’s funny how someone can changed so much in just months. I used to be the person telling people to try and not cut or not burn. I was the person encouraging people to attempt to eat. I wanted to be there for everyone. Now I’m the one who does cut and does burn. I’m the one who struggles with my emotions. I’m the one the shuts everything out and doesn’t tell people how I feel. I’m also now the one who struggles with eating whether it’s not eating over overeating to the point where I’m so full I might puke. I’m the one who’s lying through my teeth to my mom my therapist my friends, everyone. I’m the one who wish their mother kept alcohol in the house so I could get shit faced and not feel things. I’m the one that secretly is contemplating ending it all some days. I’m also the one that could never tell my mom bc I wouldn’t be believed. But yk wants even more funny is I know this is all wrong I should get help. I have marks on me that would prove I’m not lying for attention but I’m scared. That even if they knew I would still be treated like I was faking it for attention. 
          Anyways people the jist of this besides me venting is that you can never tell who someone actually feels. So be nice to everyone bc the girl that’s always smiling could be about to take that jump. Or the quiet kid could be craving into his skin every night. So be careful what you say to others bc even small things can have the biggest impact.


@nimbasanerd awww I’m sorry. He sucks just try to ignore him. And I’m always here to talk if you ever need to. And I get the crying thing like I will randomly start crying over the dumbest stuff and for no reason at all. The same goes for you there’s lots of people that care for you whether irl or online. So just keep going on ig. You’re one of my favorite friends too so don’t abandon me. (Also this is different but I had an online friend like a year or two ago and she was rlly suicidal and stuff and one day she just stopped replying so yea. It used to make me rlly sad and I use to sit watching my phone to see if she would ever text back.)


@dand3lion_spr1tez awww I remember you too and thanks for the advice but it my mother bc I’ve outright told her I’m fairly sure i have depression and I’m suicidal I even said it in front of my case worker but she still doesn’t seem to think I have any problems. So yea.


@sunshine_1ix awww I’m sorry that you know how I feel it sucks. I love you too and you can always reach out to me if your going through smth.


hey so I came across ur acc and realized I haven't talked to u in a while, how are you?


@sunshine_1ix omg y did I never see this I’m so sorry


@DatOneGurl3  pretty good! just wanted to check in


@sunshine_1ix Omg hi I'm good and don't feel bad abt not talking to me I'm rarely on but hru?


Hi my lovely followers it’s been forever sense I’ve been active. I was gone for my mental health but I’m back!!!


@NapalmWaters ellloooooooooooooooooo


Yk what’s fun!!!!
          When your father gets a new life and you aren’t apart of it. Your siblings however are-


@NapalmWaters he isn’t I’m still hurt tho because I am his kid and he doesn’t seem to care


@DatOneGurl3 based on everything I’ve heard about him he doesn’t seem like a supportive or good father in the slightest. still that does sound super shitty


Hi everyone!! How are you doing??? Anyways skip this we will be switching to me 
          Yet again- 
          So my dads a hoe- and he has a gf and he is still married and she has been his gf sense December ish- also he is trying to kill my siblings bc of drunk driving- and he hasn’t done anything to repair our relationship- also yk what sucks when the only parent you can rely on is more like a friend than a mom- like I love her but sometimes I need a mom not a bestie. Like I was rlly upset with my hurdles yesterday and she couldn’t bother to ask me how I was doing it was just her ranting about more dad being awful- 
          Anyways that’s all for today I could say a lot lot lot more but I don’t wanna be a bother. Also I’m not going to be on wp a lot so there’s that


@NapalmWaters fr like sometimes I just need some there to be my parent. Like your not being helpful when your acting like my bestie instead of my mom when I rlly need you to be therefore as a parental figure and trusted adult


@DatOneGurl3 oof. I completely understand your situation with not having a “mom-like” mom. like it’s nice but it’s not always helpful


          So with the pms being deleted and stuff you can add me on discord my user is


@DatOneGurl3 Already sent you a friend request!