
If you were killed. I wouldn’t be at Your funeral. I’d be in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends.
          We ride together , we die together .
          Send this to everyone you care about , including me if you care .
          # see how many times you get this #
          I want you to K you are amazing friend, till death and forever .
          If I don’t get this back I understand .
          But I have a game for you .
          Once you read this letter ,
          You must send it to 15 people
          Including me .
          ❤️ if you get at least three you are loved ❤️ 
          Nobody knows how important something is until the lose it
          Tonight ( right at 12:00 PM ) the person you love will realize they love you
          Then at 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM , be ready for the shock of your life ! 
          If you break this chain , you will have bad luck
          With love , send this to the 15
          If you don’t care I don’t care 
          A friend told me to do this so pass this on
          Tomorrow , two boys / girls will ask if they can have your number ?
          Send this message to 15 nice , people or bad luck starts for a whole year . 
          ((This is an automated voice messaging system))


It’s alright just say to you would do it and that’s cool with me bad luck lifted


@AkumuPrin id send this back to you and other people but i cba but i would sebd it back


I hate Beyonce too.


I do, I do. :)


@AnimeLilybug88 i like you, you know whats up


God save the Queen!  :)


Hi I’ve been trying to reach out to you on discord...  it’s olive right now I’m gender fluid.
          I’m not okay right not. I keep feeling worse about myself. I’m trying to make myself feel better but nothing works... I keep feeling sad and I see black and white all around me...
          I haven’t lost hope to be friends with you again 
          Even if Ash hates you... and Sam doesn’t remember you...
          I still miss you but I only wanna be friends again...
          We don’t have to
          I just rather have you as a friend because 
          Whenever i have an ex that was a friend i wanna become friends again 
          Because clearly they’re not the one 


@peridotloveslapis again im so sorry for what happened... but yeah we can be friends