I haven't worked on anything in my drafts here in a while :/ and tbh... I'm not passionate in writing anymore. Having signed up to a high leveled English class, being recommended to entering that class because apparently you had exceeding writing, then being crushed immediately after cuz you sucked does things to you. That's also adding lack of encouragement from the people around me in rl (with the opposite being quite present) and just development of hatred towards a hobby because the world made you do so. I tried picking it up a bit, writing bits of here and there a few months ago. But it felt stale. It was painful. The last time I even wrote was in March. But if there's still a lil part of writer me, it's definitely in comic-making (which I do not post here) and I must admit those are being to feel stale too. Thanks to everyone who has given me kind words about my writing though, I genuinely appreciate it.

@WarriorLionstripe ik I wished I had rejected some standards put on me in writing.

@GhostySpirit It’s always a shame when an enjoyable hobby begins to be despised because the people around you force you to do things related to it, forgetting that it being a hobby more than likely means you do it for the pure fun of it.