
Yo, its ya gurl Vea! Just wanna say sorry for not making any chapters for the past few weeks but i'm back! Time to continue writing The Phobia Files while my sanity depletes slowly every minute! <3


Yo, its ya gurl Vea! Just wanna announce a new short book i'm making for The Phobia Files called The Phobia Files: A Serious New Fear. This will cover the virus you all should know by now, Covid-19. In this book i will be covering the many ways YOU can stop the spread of this pandemic and even how to even stop YOU from getting it. So anyways, look out for it!


Yo, its ya gurl Vea! Just wanna say that the next page of The Phobia Files [1] will be coming out today! After this book is done, i will be making a BUNCH more! I wont say what phobias i will cover but lets just say the next book is about to get a little WET! ;3


Eggo, itsa me, yo local rice farmer-


@BeepbeepRICEFARMER  well i just posted the first page uwu


l can't wait to see da book tbh