Well, that was outdated. Not that anyone saw the "outdated" version, but might as well rewrite it. It's been two - no, three - years, and a LOT has happened, as anyone can attest.

So, I'm a geek with an obsession for writing half-finished stories. Nothing much has changed with me, despite the rapid changes the world is going through.

Wait, I got it.

For one, I have since realised that I might have an unhealthy obsession with punctuation. Seriously; even in DMs, I can't not use a period. Well, first it was an obsession, but now I've decided to adopt it at character trait. That isn't as much a change as it is an observation though.

To quote another profile somewhere on this massive platform (do I need to tag the source?), "Cynic in theory, optimist in practice." I will whole-heartedly throw myself into any discussion on the effects of magic on worldbuilding, urban fantasy, Alec Benjamin and Imagine Dragons. You might notice that two of these are not like the others.

What can you expect from the stories that I'll be writing, should you deign to read them, and should I get to publishing them? Very world-centric plots with mostly reactionary characters trying to survive whatever nonsense their supreme lord (me) decides to throw at them. There'll be romance, though. It won't be at the centre of any plots, but it'll get the attention that such complex relationships deserve. Generally, just dark fantasy with intense worldbuilding. Any stories with magic will use the exact same magic system, which I call the Constraint System.

In the mean time, there's the "weekly" Writing Prompts that I do, which I won't be able to do weekly for a while because exams, so there was absolutely no point to 65.79% of this incredibly long sentence.

So, apparently, I've gotten more introspective, I guess. Much easier to write a bio now than before. And now, to end with a quote from my current (22nd of April, 2022 onwards) favourite song:
"The Devil doesn't bargain" - Alec Benjamin
  • In a land of myth, and a time of magic.
  • IscrittoAugust 11, 2018

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