Hello Mia :) I’m the community founder Rose and I’m here to congratulate on getting a place in the Community Senate! I have to say I’m SO excited to have you join us, like super excited!! We have a separate account that the senate chats on so I’m going to follow you there, the name is kinda obvious that it’s the senates so you’ll know. This is where we do EVERYTHING. Chats, info, and literally anything that’s not mentioned on the main acc (which is a lot) will be on here! Main messages are pretty formal but once you get to know everyone we’re pretty laid back, everyone just supports everyone, y’know. You’ll get the Community Password soon; I have to do some prep before giving anyone else the password lol. Now regarding your current roles we’re in desperate need of Role-Play Designer/Moderators and for now don’t need an account admin. We also have a few contests coming up, so you’ll definitely have that on your hands. (A graphic contest first in January and then a Writing Contest in March.) The roleplay book has /maybe/ one other person guaranteed to help out and we want to reboot it in Jan/Feb, so if that’s a role you're serious about I’m happy to explain everything to you! We have a calendar you’ll have access to that has all events and any info planned into it. You’ll have access to this acc (like the password). The calendar is outdated but I’m working pn that rn. [1/2]
@Daughter7of-Poseidon Hmh, I would've swore I did. Anyways is it showing up now?
@A_Demigod_Community Sorry, but are you sure the senate account followed me? I only see the community account
@Daughter7of-Poseidon We're so excited to have you, the Senate account followed you so if you go there you'll see everything the senate is planning :)