
My dad is changing our WiFi code so until then I won't be updating


Hey peeps I made a new story called Beware The Queen's  Fury. It's something I'm working on until I can think of something for Leave Me Lonley because it requires minimal effort and creativity. 
          It's based on the first season of CW's Arrow and it's what would happen if Oliver Queen had an adoptive sister. You should check it out!


Ok guys here's what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna unpublish 'Leave Me Lonely' so I can get some things in order. Like I'll have a proper upload schedule  for it and everything. Hell it might even have a new name and cover, who knows. 
          Anyways I just wanted to let you guys know in case you decided to tell somebody about it or something. 


Hey peeps! Sooo..... I'm sorry for my last post. I was going through some things and I still am, but I'm a little better now. 
          Anyway, I am officially a freshman in high school! Yes the school year is finally over and I am beyond relieved. 
          Hopefully I will be able to update more often. So, I'll start within the next couple of days. It will have to be then because my family won't stop bugging me about how proud they are, even though they've all probably told me that at least 5 times already.
          But hey, they're giving me candy soooo.....yeah. Anyway just wanted to let you guys know that I'm gonna try harder ☺! 


Hey peeps! I am so sorry that I never have a solid update schedule. I have a lot going on at home and I'm having a few problems with my depression and anxiety. 
          But I uploaded another chapter for Leave Me Lonley! I'll try to get better with updating my stories, but as of now there are no promises.
          Once again I am terribly sorry for the slow updates


Hey peeps, there wont be any updates for a little bit  because I have 2 types of the flu and a sinus infection. I'll try to update a s fast as I can but it might be a while. 
          M'Kay BAII!!! 


@kambriairby04 idk I was bored and thought that if I changed my name that's what it would be