Honest to Goodness Review: Forgotten by Tprince
Have you ever read a book that made you excited because of the adventure in it's pages and get the warm fuzzies because of the sweet relationships? If you haven't then you need to read this book!! I loved the details in this book and thought it moved at a nice pace. It wasn't one of the fastest moving books, but in my opinion it was just right. You dive head first into the life of Nicole and the recent tragedy of her sister's death. The emotion captured in just the first few pages was mesmerizing, but also shrouded by the mystery of the small town Nicole is staying in. Soon, you are thrown into a new world full of magic and devotion and with all the twist and turns along the way you are sure to be entertained. As far as critics go, some of the fae origin and history was hard to follow throughout the book. Hope you all read "Forgotten" and let me know what you think!