Hello dragon, elf, gnome, demigod, king of demons, witch, mortal, child of Christ, welcome to my humble cavern. 
Here are some things to know about me

•I'm in:
Magnus chase
Kane chronicles
Magic tree house (though it's been a WHILE since I've read those)
The Owl House
Gilmore Girls
The Dragon Prince
The Empty Sword Saga
Serena Boateng's guide to vampire hunting
And many others

•I have ADHD

• I am protective of my family so if you hurt any person on wattpad that I care about, leave before I go all Poseidon on you.

•I am a Christian so no talk that is disrespecting any religion.

•This is a LGBTQIA+ safe zone

This is my Wattpad friend, she is awesome

•No bullying!

•If you need any help just tell me.

• If you've ever cried yourself to sleep because you thought you weren't good enough, tried any form of self harm because there are many different ways, thought about taking your own life for any reason, copy this to your profile. Let's see how many of us there are that are or use to be not really okay.

•I'm an Empath and Polyglot (KOTLC)

•I am studying the bard, healing covens (TOH)

•I'm the daughter of Poseidon (PJO,HoO,TOA,MC,KC)

•I'm an Earth blood elf (TDP)
  • I’m lost. One second I was with friends next thing I knew I was in a strange world with dragons and is that an elf talking to a human? Can someone please help me, an elf that seems bookish told me I’m at a Bookery?
  • Дата регистрацииApril 28, 2023

Последнее сообщение
DaughterofPoseidon98 DaughterofPoseidon98 Nov 29, 2024 06:00AM
I’m sorry, I really haven’t been that interested in Wattpad for a bit as you can tell with how less frequently I respond. I’m most likely going to be done with Wattpad.
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Истории от Rayllum~Shipper
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You know the story of Trials of Apollo, Lester falling into a dumpster, Meg finding him and then asking for h...
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