@Daughterofadiamond Nw-li awoke. Neeala was stroking her arms, she dozed off to sleep. The sunshine was worm. Warm warm. She was so comfortable.
But she was also so emotionally exhausted.
Firstly, she awoke to the blue sunshine and the smell of the breeze in the river. And she felt absolutely beautiful.
Then she remembered the recent past and what she'd been going through and how she treated her one best friend, whom at the time she loved most of all. But because of the sake of approval from her dominator, she had discarded him in a filthy disgraceful fashion. And then she felt black.
“Neeala” she said.“ I don't know how to deal with my past, because I don't know how to get word to my best friend and let him know how I feel. I have done wrong and I know that now and I have known that for a long time and stupidly I discarded him in favour of approval from my mother, which I never got and never have. I can even remember embarrassing myself where one day I actually have a cheerful conversation with my grandmother and I actually told him that I actually had a cheerful conversation with my grandmother because normally she's so domineering overbearing and frightening and miserably scaremongering and I had this chat I was actually celebrating it with him as if it was something miraculously wonderful. I have no idea what he thought. Having a chat with somebody should be in a normal event...... having a cheerful chat with somebody should be just part and parcel of breathing, having a drink of water or making a sandwich, but not with this bitch...... I think Neil is actually right in that when she's dead and gone my life will be so much the better.”
Neeala listened and steered the boat past the rocks past the lilies. Past the Lily banks, past the flowers. Past the water trees. Quietly they drifted on. (CTD)
They saw some otherwise nasty predators. Not that they would have harmed themThey were travelling so quietly.