Hey everyone, it's been a while.
I don't know who needs to hear this, but you can make it. I know I needed to hear that when I first joined Wattpad almost 5 years ago.
You don't need to compare yourself to others, everyone is at a different part in their journey.
I'm not sure why I'm being so mushy, but there's a small dose of inspiration to whoever still reads these. It's so weird to think that most of my friends on here from all those years ago have moved on and are living separate lives.
I've met so many amazing people because of Wattpad, though their accounts are either deleted or inactive by now.
To Kayla, Tori, Rose, and Dorothy: thank you for bringing me a year of laughter on the Bread Bowls group chat, I hope you're all doing well.
To everyone who ever shared their love and support by leaving even a simple comment: thank you for sending just a few words to a lost child trying to find her way.
I don't know where most of you are now.
I only rarely keep in touch with one of you.
The rest of you are gone.
I wish you all the best. No matter how long it's been or how far apart we are, I cherish every one of you and all the memories of laughter and love we've shared.
HUUGE shoutout to all the love and support from everyone reading and commenting on my art books! Y'all make me smile so much and reading your coments makes my day every day. I'll try to repay you guys to the best of my ability, so sorry if it seems like I never read your books.
Merry Christmas to everyone!