Halooo guyss, with this I'm thrilled to announce kalo aku udah stopp untuk being an author, of course I wouldn't next my story *Indestructible
But I'm very happy knowing this world :), Taynew was saved my life in corona virus era. And sometimes I'm missing how crazy I'm while lagi nge polcaa, I thought I can't never leave this world, but now i already did
I'm really proud knowing you All, but life must go on right? dulu tiap hari ngebadut in taynew, but now ngeliat mereka udah sering post satu sama lain di instagram, it's make me sooo happy, apalagi dengan series² terbaru mereka, I think kita udah berhasil ngelewatin masa2 sulit being an polca.
Once polca, always polca !