
Hi Dave, thanks for all the votes on Gaia's Brood. Hope you enjoyed the story. 


@NickTravers  Dear Nick, 
            I sent one reply allready but not sure it got thru so here it is again...
            I finished Gaia's Brood & what u have written of Cogglers Brood & created a Amazon account so I could write a review of them for you. Unfortunatly Amazon wouldn't let me write it unless I spent a certain amount with them (didn't specify how much). As much as I would like to buy all your books so I can write a review, I am living in the Philippines supporting a wife, 2 children & a invalid mother-in-law solely on my Disability Pension, so I just don't have the money. i am very sorry. If I could have written a review i would have said - " A nonstop steampunk rollercoaster ride with constant actipn, plot twists & believable characters. A must-read for all lovers of action & adventure". Very sorry again & I wish u all the literary success in the world!
            - Best Wishes Dave2402