
So, I decided that I might as well post some of the erotic one shots I wrote back in 2015. (The year that my hormones took full swing and I wrote A LOT of smut) There is a few more that I wrote and plenty more that I had planned that I can sit down and type up if y'all are interested. Figured I might as well put it up and see who likes it. 


So, I decided that I might as well post some of the erotic one shots I wrote back in 2015. (The year that my hormones took full swing and I wrote A LOT of smut) There is a few more that I wrote and plenty more that I had planned that I can sit down and type up if y'all are interested. Figured I might as well put it up and see who likes it. 


Hey guys. So i know Ive been a bit weird on here for a while. With school and my wandering mind/ strong lack of detail/ writers block, i have written several stories, taken them down and stopped working on them. They are not deleated just not published. I have decided that i will be working heavily on perfecting each story and finishing them and then i will release them after. So i am technically going to unpublish my remaining stories, write when i can and then when i have a bestselling novel i will release it. Ive realised that more planning and thought has to got to my storys instead of my write as i  go along and hope for the best method. Also wattpad doesnt have the best spelling corrector............. so im sorry if you guys are frustrated but belive me. Everything is coming back and it will be so much better. It just might not come for a while. And i will try too keep the changes to a minimal. Oh and as i said before i suck at detail. I know that i know most of my followers personaly and even if i dont i would love input/tips/help/a co author. coauthor though is restreicted to people i know IRL though so. sorry but im super paranoid. well. I hope to hear from someone soon! Bye! Dave3399


Hey guys. So vacations over and school is back on so I won't be updating as frequently. But I will try to get a chapter or two up a week. Just wanted to let you know. Also please vote/comment. while my reads are decent I'm getting no feedback. Tell me how I can make it better please. thanks. Dave3399


Hey Wattpadians. Just wanted to ask what you all think of The Others so far. I'm on break so I'm updating a bit more frequently than usual and while my reads are satisfying I was curious about what you all think. Comment, message me and/or vote. I'm up for criticism, ideas, questions, statements, anything. I would really appreciate it. Lack of comments and votes makes me lose passion as I said before and I want to hear from you guys. Thanks! Dave3399


Hey! Sorry I haven't written in a while. Lifes been crazy. Anyway I have good news and bad news. Bad news... I will be unpublishing all my books on Haitus. I will get back to them but right now I don't have alot of time and have lost passion in them due to very small amounts of votes and comments. This sadly includes Turned. Now for the good news. I have started another book that hopefully this time will be a big hit. It's called The Others and is a post apocalyptic novel. I think it will be really cool and only hope you do too. The prologue is up and I will get Chapter one to you guys shortly. Please help me by supporting me and sharing the word as I tend to lose my passion quick if nobody responds to it. Sorry. Well. k hope you like it and it becomes a big success. As always please vote and comment. Bye! Dave3399