
GUESS WHAT?! I will work on a "Torn" update tomorrow  no more exams guys. I actually have free time and can focus on it 


I DID IT! I finally updated "Torn". After fighting this nasty pertussis for five weeks now, I finally had enough energy to finish the chapter. I didn't add any pictures this time, but I'll try my best to include some in the future updates :) Hope you like it. It's gonna take a while to get back in the flow, but I hope you have fun reading it anyways :) Thanks for being so patient :*


New Torn chapter?


Don't worry! Get well...


@ paulina448  hopefully soon. I'm still fighting the pertussis (whooping cough) and my brain is not functioning the way I want it to. I hope I get something done soon. I started the chapter already. I just haven't had the energy to continue yet 


Hey lovelies, after spending a few days in the hospital, I'm finally back home. I don't feel good, I'm still in isolation until Monday, but on the bright side: since I'm not allowed to school for at least three more weeks, I have a lot of time to write. So if my coughing is not too bad at times, I will try to get another chapter or two done 


Hey guys,
          I know I wanted to update this weekend, but I'm currently fighting a nasty cold, I still have a summery to finish for school and we're writing two exams this upcoming week. So my brain's not really cooperating at the moment. Once I finish the summery (I still have to work through 12 pages-.-) I'll continue NLU. But until then, I can't really focus. I'm so sorry. I hate letting you guys wait for so long. Don't kill me :D Love you!