You write really well and I love the wordcraft you use. I found it emotional, even in a short space (could be because of my own son) If anything, you could do with a little more description in the last chapter. Chapter three was a little surreal and lacked enough emotional punch. eg If I got that phone call I would go home instantly. I would be out the door and gone. When I got home and found the blood I would be frantic and when they weren't there, then I would turn to jelly, colapse on the floor and cry, closely followed by anger and revenge and a lot of sword slashing and maybe some torture. But that's just me. You have pinned it as a superhero story and as far as origin storys go it's fairly run of the mill, but I think its delivered skillfully enough to pull it off. I'm really interested in what will make it a superhero story and I'm looking forward to reading more. Keep it up, you have the tallent for it.