
Leo DesertRose: Hey ‘Mardie’
          	“Don’t do it bro, they’re not gonna take this lying down!”
          	Leo DesertRose: My finger can transform! Guess which one!? *smugly* I’ll give you a “Limited Option!” *makes transforming noises*
          	*his sister, who has accompanied him through his journey, intervened, and actually decked him instead!* “I apologize on his behalf for his-”


Leo DesertRose: Hey ‘Mardie’
          “Don’t do it bro, they’re not gonna take this lying down!”
          Leo DesertRose: My finger can transform! Guess which one!? *smugly* I’ll give you a “Limited Option!” *makes transforming noises*
          *his sister, who has accompanied him through his journey, intervened, and actually decked him instead!* “I apologize on his behalf for his-”


Me: if we can get the Matrix of Leadership to Sen-
          Nexus Grand Guardian: SENTINEL…is NO PRIME! You have been deceived.
          Yellowstorm: No…No one could be that evil not even the Lincoln Variants!
          Nexus: *with a grim look* He removed your Cores before you came online!
          *the revelation broke something inside Lynn.  For so long she trusted the leadership of the world she served…but now, now what?*


Me: At 830 Mountain Standard Time, TikTok went dark…I’m going to miss that app, no matter what happens. *voice slightly breaks* TikTok has always been my favorite app for 6 years. That fate (being banned) is the LAST THING THAT APP DESERVES! I have a BlueSky though, it’s not a total loss…
          Lisa: I am truly sorry this happened to you, but you have decent people who still have and need you. The you that thinks of crazy plans and your strong heart of justice makes me feel hopeful…and a bit envious.


Lisa: Yes, We banished the Evil Santa! The wannabe jolly old Saint Nick won’t be bothering our planetary plane anymore!
          Me: But he left one cryptic message… “He will come for you…and all will fall before the End of Ends!” Which kinda puts a damper on things but even so!


Christmas movies be like:
          Freedom Fighters styled in the Loud House theme plays: “Claus has gone rouge…I need the best and brightest teams to stop him…”
          “You won’t get away with this!”  “I will…in time! Siphoning your Jolly Energy is easy enough.  But I need the strongest source! And it’s located in-!”
          “Welcome to Royal Oak Park’s official Holiday Destination!”  “Light it UUUUUPPP!”
          *sudden panic as the light turns on too bright and a rouge armed guard comes in and captures the crowd!*
          “Your Jolly Energy is off the charts!  Especially you…whose family is brimming with it!  GATHER THE REST OF THEM, then trash the city!”
          *a familiar orange shirt boy with white hair appears…the aftermath of which shocked him, then angered him*
          Lincoln: We have to get our family back guys!  And I know just the guy!