without darkness there is no light without light there is no darkness, we all live in a cruel world that is constantly testing us with its challenges.we should not look at this word for what it is but for what it could be to see the light in that darkness to pull through,we may feel weak sometimes but we need to remember what it is we continue to fight for.there are things in the world that i find more precious then my life, my friends my family all of those that show the simple acts of kindness everyday people like that deserve all the good in this world.remember my friends my followers my fellow writers and any kind soul that reads this,life maybe hard at a times and can change in any moment for better or worse but you need to remember those moments those precious memories and you will see that this world isnt as bad as it seems that this world isnt bad or good it is what it is it is a place that gives us chances,chances to love to feel happy to expirience what it means to be alive