
Hello everyone,
          	I know it’s early in the morning but I just wanted to say that I will not be on today, for it’s my cousin’s celebration of life/funeral.  Please pray that nothing happens and that everyone gets along and everything goes well. 
          	I’ll try to get on later on tonight, if I feel up to it. 


@Davidsmate24 I'm so sorry about your cousin *hugs*. take all the time you need.


@Davidsmate24 sending prayers sweetie. We love you and focus on your family 


@Davidsmate24  Prayers coming your way. Just remember how nice your cousin was and that she is in a better place. Your going to get through this at least you got to know her. When my Grandma on my Dads side of the family died I was only 4 months old in 2010 and when my Grandfather on my Dad side died I was only nine years old and they only thing I remember about him was he was supposes to take me fishing before he died and that was 2019.


Hello everyone,
          I know it’s early in the morning but I just wanted to say that I will not be on today, for it’s my cousin’s celebration of life/funeral.  Please pray that nothing happens and that everyone gets along and everything goes well. 
          I’ll try to get on later on tonight, if I feel up to it. 


@Davidsmate24 I'm so sorry about your cousin *hugs*. take all the time you need.


@Davidsmate24 sending prayers sweetie. We love you and focus on your family 


@Davidsmate24  Prayers coming your way. Just remember how nice your cousin was and that she is in a better place. Your going to get through this at least you got to know her. When my Grandma on my Dads side of the family died I was only 4 months old in 2010 and when my Grandfather on my Dad side died I was only nine years old and they only thing I remember about him was he was supposes to take me fishing before he died and that was 2019.


Hello Everyone,
          I have some sad news.
          Tonight, my cousin passed away in the hospital. She put up one heck of a fight but she just couldn’t fight anymore.  She has entered Heaven.
          On behalf of my family, we’d thank you all for everything that you have done for us, especially the prayers.  I love you all very much, but I’m not sure if I’ll be updating anything.  Thank you


Thank you everyone for all the support and love all of you have given/sent. I’m truly blessed and grateful to have followers like you :)


@Davidsmate24 I’m sorry for your loss, all my thoughts are with you and your family.


Hello everyone,
          As all of you know that my cousin is in the hospital and has been in the ICU.  Well, we are in desperate need of prayers now. I know all of you have been praying, but we need all the prayers that you can send us.  
          As for updates, they're all on hold for now.  I'm sorry to keep those who requested requests, but I promise I'll update soon, but right now it's just not the right time.  I hope all of you understand.


@Davidsmate24 Sending prayers and good vibes your way!


Good evening everyone,
          I have a question,  when no one votes on chapter/a request, does that mean that they didn't like it or something else?


@Davidsmate24 Good because I can't decide which way is better.


@JulieMcIntyre4  I just saw it and I'd be gladly to help you out, if you like.


@Davidsmate24 Oh. Okay. Speaking of which did you see my author's note for Cry Little Sisters?


Evening everyone, 
          I have some bad news, my cousin is still in the ICU and she sadly has lost an x amount of blood and her platelets are down.   Please start/keep praying for her and her family.   She needs all the prayers and support that she can get.  
          I thank you all for everything that all of you do. Thank you all again and keep on praying for her.


@Davidsmate24 I'm so sorry to hear that *hugs*. I wish you and your family the best and i  hope your cousin will be ok and feels better soon.


Hello everyone,
          I've got some bad news about my cousin.  She's back in the ICU and gave all of us a bad scare.  My family and I are in need of prayers once more.  Please pray that she'll get better, so she can come home and be with her family.  Thank you.


@Davidsmate24  I am praying for your cousin too


Hello and good evening everyone,
          I have some good news to tell you all.  My cousin is in her recovery stage and is doing good, but she's still not out of the woods just yet.  Just keep those prayers coming in for her and as my appreciation, I'd like to thank you all for everything that you all do.  It means a lot, not only myself but my whole family in general.  
          We thank you all you for everything and if there's anything that I can do to repay you all, please let me know.  Thank you


@Shadow4242  Thank you for agreeing with me.


Hello everyone,
          Sorry for the late announcement but I have some good news on my cousin.  She's doing a little better, but she's not 100%.  Please keep those prayers coming in for her, for they're working.    Thank you all so much for all that you do.  My family and I really appreciate it.


            Thank you so much. Hopefully she’ll be able to come home and be with her family again.


@Davidsmate24 thank God she's ok ill keep praying for her 


          My family and I need all the support and prayers that you can give us, for my cousin. I’m asking all of you to please pray with me and my family. 


@Davidsmate24    I hope your cousin is feeling better


            Thank you  and just keep on praying for her. 