
Hi, guys!
          	I'm slowly working on the next chapter for "Forgiveness is the Hardest Act." Good news is that I have the week off for "spring break" at my school, and I plan on doing nothing but reading and writing!
          	I'm also doing Camp NaNoWriMo, and my book of focus is both Forgiveness and my Oneshot book, so don't worry about any type of radio silence. I'm hard at work producing content for you guys!
          	Thank you so much for staying patient with me. I hope everyone else is doing well.


Hi, guys!
          I'm slowly working on the next chapter for "Forgiveness is the Hardest Act." Good news is that I have the week off for "spring break" at my school, and I plan on doing nothing but reading and writing!
          I'm also doing Camp NaNoWriMo, and my book of focus is both Forgiveness and my Oneshot book, so don't worry about any type of radio silence. I'm hard at work producing content for you guys!
          Thank you so much for staying patient with me. I hope everyone else is doing well.


Hello, everyone! I am finally have some breathing room in my life, so I can give you guys an update of what is going on.
          I won't go into a long explanation of why I have been silent for these past couple of months—it wasn't my intention, I swear—but basically I added another AP class into my schedule during January, and I've been drowning in homework ever since. On top of that I've been doing college visits or band concerts almost every weekend, and doing scholarships on top of all of that.
          I haven't written anything decent since January, and it's incredibly frustrating because I know you guys are waiting for me to update. I keep trying, but every time I finish a big assignment get done with a big scholarship packet, there seems to be something else right there to keep me from finally breathing.
          Right now, I think it's getting better. I'm still incredibly busy, but I have a tiny break in between projects right now. I managed to finish writing part 1 of a oneshot I've been working on for a while (I'll have to make a part 2 later when I have an idea of how to write it). I'm hoping to post it within a couple of days, depending on if one of my college visits gets canceled due to the corona scare going on right now, but it should be up by Sunday, Monday at the latest.
          After that I'm going to focus on editing and publishing the third part for 'Forgiveness is the Hardest Act,' since I know that many of you are waiting ever so patiently for that!
          Thank you for sticking with me while I get my life together! You guys are amazing!


@AthenasDream  Honestly, I have no idea either. Sheer willpower and LOTS of caffeine, I guess. Thank you for your understanding!


I’m applying to a creative writing scholarship coming up very soon, and I need to submit an excerpt of some of my work. Is there a particular section from any of my works that you’ve thought was particularly well-written? I have some ideas of what to submit, but I want to see if you guys have any suggestions, too.  Thanks!


@AthenasDream Those ideas are great! Thank you so much!


@AthenasDream The max is 5 pages, and my deadline is in a couple of days (which, I know, is definitely procrastinating at its finest), so don’t worry about re-reading anything. I just wanted to see if people could think of something off the top of their heads. I was also thinking of Forgiveness if I could find a section of it that I really liked!


Apologies that I haven't gotten the latest chapter out to you guys. I got unexpectedly slammed with homework that I have to do before I go out of town this weekend. I have the chapter done, so I plan on posting it at the latest, Monday or Tuesday. I hope you guys are having a good week!


This week's oneshot will have to probably wait until either Saturday or Sunday. I've been swamped in homework and after school activities this week, and I haven't been able to write very much. Sorry about that!


Apologies that it's taking me so long to get the update to you guys. I've had a slew of painful headaches and cramps these past couple of days that's really been sucking my motivation out, but hopefully, I will have the oneshot out either today or tomorrow!
          Also, Happy New Year and I hope you guys have a wonderful start to the new decade!
          I think over my hiatus I had passed the one-year mark for my oneshot book (I'll have to check the exact date). Honestly, it doesn't feel real, but I can't thank you enough for all of the support I've gotten. I never imagined that anyone would read my book when I first started posting it, but now I have almost 2K reads (Also, how great is that!? It completely snuck up on me!). I've also met so many good people since I started writing, and each and every one of them honestly makes my week every time they comment or reply to me. I can't wait to explore the new year with you guys and see my two little books (don't worry, I haven't forgotten about 'Forgiveness' ;) ) grow even more!


@AthenasDream Thank you so much for all of your support! I can’t wait to watch your growth, too!